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Your Nutrition Ally


to Exist

A fat-positive support group

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You deserve to take up space.

Our mission is to provide a community to support living in a larger body in a fatphobic world, so you can live the way you've always imagined: confidently and free to be yourself.

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What's included

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Community Support

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Live Virtual Calls

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Book club and Resource sharing

(studies, handouts, etc.)

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Examples of topics

How to exist in a

fatphobic world

How to fight the internalized fatphobic voice with compassion

Setting healthy boundaries with family, friends, and health providers

And many more!

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Who is this space for?

People needing support with Intuitive Eating, body image, and Health at Every Size (HAES)

Oppressed ​communities, ​including fat people, ​gender, race, religion, ​etc.

Yo-Yo dieters


Emotional Eaters

People with chronic illnesses, like Diabetes, Blood pressure, PCOS, Cholesterol, etc.

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Who is this space NOT for?

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People who are ​looking for weight ​loss coaching or a ​meal plan.

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People who aren’t ​interested in learning ​a different way of ​thinking about food ​and body.

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People who think ​being fat positive is ​“glorifying o*esity.”

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People who look ​down on oppressed ​communities, ​including fat people.

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Who is the host?

Hi there! I‘m Jenna Talleda, a registered dietitian with 16 years of experience. I became certified in Intuitive Eating in 2017 when I began working with clients who had eating disorders. Soon after I found out that I had my own issues with food and body, including chronic dieting, emotional eating, feeling guilty and out of control around food. Intuitive Eating changed my life and the lives of my clients in such a positive way to be able to exist and have food freedom now.

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How does this work?

This is a monthly membership that will include:

-Weekly live calls (Tuesdays at 7pm EST) to discuss issues affecting how to live in a bigger body

-A book club and resource library of various studies and handouts.

-A private Facebook group for support outside of the calls.

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Do you promote weight loss?

No, I focus on a weight inclusive, non-restrictive blend of Health at Every Size and Intuitive Eating approaches. However we will talk about how to handle those desires to take up less space (and what they really mean.) Intuitive Eating is an approach to cut out all the rules and noise about how we’re supposed to eat or what size we’re supposed to be. Instead we re-channel back into our own internal wisdom of our bodies’ messages that we’re born with. It also incorporates mindfulness, compassion, body appreciation, and how to nourish our body and soul.

I’m very concerned about my health, and my doctor/family/friends are saying I need to lose weight to feel better. How to I address this?

Your well-being and how you feel is very important. We can talk about ways to improve that without using the scale as a marker of success and health, because honestly- it does a really crappy job at both of those any way. Just because you are in a bigger body, it doesn’t mean you are automatically unhealthy, nor that skinny people are automatically healthy in theirs. I’ve worked with many people who have been the opposite. And when we focus on restriction or the scale, it can cause more health problems. We’ll talk more about this later.

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Can I get my money back if it's not for me?

    • This is a monthly membership, so you are free to cancel, effective next pay cycle. However, the concepts that we work on together can take some time because we have a lot of fatphobic/diet mentality messaging to work through. If there are any concerns, please feel free to reach out. Also your satisfaction is important to me, so please reach if I can improve this group.

Cost is a concern for me. Do you offer a sliding scale?

I understand how challenging finances can be, and want to make this accessible to

participants. The current rate is a beta price, so it is already discounted. However, future

hardship rates will be offered later.

Was your question not listed here? Feel free to reach out at or

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Permission to Exist

Monthly Membership


-Weekly support group meetings

-Facebook group for between sessions

-Anti-Diet book club

-Resource library of studies and handouts

Due to the sensitive matter discussed, new members complete an ​application process to make sure the group is the right fit. Please click here ​to complete the form.